Jonathan Cathey
Jonathan Cathey hails from Laguna Beach, California. Typical Southern Cal kid; surf, skate, punk rock, baseball - all the necessary Southern California ingredients. He moved to Los Angeles to play in bands and finish college. Graduating from Cal State University at Northridge (CSUN) with a degree in Theater Arts. Jonathan played in bands for many years, some notable. Always playing a part in the arts, and with a knack for creative concepts and illustration, around 1999 he struck upon an idea to create characters (like the Lil' Homies) and call them Mullet Heads.
Being one of the first in this boutique and non licensed arena in regards to counter culture/design toy product, they were novelty and satire based (like Accoutrements), not so Hip-Hop/Street influenced like what was filtering into Hong Kong and being regurgitated back out . They were met with mild success and from there started building other platforms; some were original concepts and others were licensed from local artists.
A couple more companies, entrepreneurial growing pains later, Jonathan landed himself with the company he Co-Founded with my partner (Adam Kennedy-Damiano); The Loyal Subjects. Recently Jonathan Co-Founded the formation of Cultyard. A tradeshow/event company which curates "All Things Cool Under One Roof", currently located inside New York Comic Con. He also dabbles in other ventures - ranging from TV Development, licensing, his own art, music, writing and consulting. Always a process, always learning, always evolving.